The Stone House At Clove Lakes – The Stone House


One of my best dining experiences. Excellent atmosphere, food, and hospitality! Will definitely be coming back.

Amazing food, service, and atmosphere! I was never one to go out, but after attending a family event at The Stone House at Clove Lakes, My family and I have decided to now have regular meet ups at this wonderful place.

I ordered a banquet for the family on the occasion of my daughter's birthday. An amazingly beautiful place! Majestic interior! Delicious and very unusual dishes. Everything was fine and I had only a slight organizational inconsistency when placing an order through the Open Table service. Convenient parking is, as you understand, also very important for New York. Definitely, we all liked it and we are satisfied! We recommend this restaurant!

This restaurant is a gem. The food, service and atmosphere was great. This is a wonderful place for any special occasion, you won't be disappointed.